Hi! My name is John and I’m the creator of BarPizzaBarPizza.com. This site was started out of necessity really. During the covid lockdowns of 2020, when it seemed like everyone became an at-home chef overnight, I found myself diving deeper into Bar Pizza. While others were busy perfecting their sourdough starters,I shared my own South Shore Bar Pizza recipe on a few Facebook groups. The response was overwhelming! I was getting so many requests from friends and strangers alike that I realized it would be easier to put everything in one place—thus, BarPizzaBarPizza.com was born.

Since then, the site has grown beyond my wildest expectations. It’s been featured in Boston Magazine, The Boston Globe, and even MSN national news. Even featured on the King Arthur Flour brand’s recipe pages! BarPizzaBarPizza.com is your go-to hub for everything Bar Pizza—from recipes and locations to news and even some great merch over at iLoveBarPizza.com, where a portion of every sale goes to support  The Greg Hill Foundation. Thanks for stopping by! -John Menton